The "Sestieri" of Ampezzo

What are the "Sestieri" of Cortina? How are they born? What do they represent today? Their legacy extends to every event they plan, ranging from local celebrations to athletic contests, along with ancillary events.


The term "Sestieri" in Cortina indicates three different realities. First, the six districts in which the town is divided are called "Sestieri." The origin of the six geographic districts is lost in memory but probably dates back to the period in which the "Serenissima," as the republic of Venice was known, governed these lands; in fact, there are also six "Sestieri" in Venice.

The logos of the six Sestieri d'Ampezzo

Second, the "Sestieri" are also the six sports associations that organize Cortina's country festivals every year and that coordinate the sport activities of the resident children. The boundaries each association deals with correspond to the geographical ones and will be explained later in the article.

The award ceremony of the Cortina women's running palio

Finally, the "Sestieri d'Ampezzo" defines the association of volunteers from all six districts that takes care of organizing events, such as the "Run of the Sestieri," the football tournament, or the folkloristic wagons. They coordinate all the volunteers from the different districts for the realization and participation in the activities of the town. Let's see them now in detail.

Historical notes

As already mentioned above, the subdivision of the town into six districts, also known as "Sestieri," happened around the 15th century. Before this date, the country was divided into decenas, family groups of about ten families.

... the country was divided into decenas...

At that time, Cortina was under the control of the Venetian Republic, which was divided into six districts. It's commonly assumed that Cortina divided itself into six districts to emulate or praise its capital city, Venice.

Road sign indicating Zuel

In this article, we want to write about the modern role of the "Sestieri." If you want to read about the history of the "Sestieri" in ancient times, we invite you to read the page we wrote about the history of Cortina, which can be found below:

History of Cortina
History of Cortina A brief history of the town of Cortina, from Mondeval man to the present day, with highlights. Reading time: 14 min
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The association "Sestieri d'Ampezzo"

In 1918, Austria lost the First World War and had to cede the territory of Cortina to the Kingdom of Italy. As a result, the Sestieri lost a lot of their administrative identity. The well-known orthopedist Sanzio Vacchelli, who at the time was in charge of the office for tourism and local promotion, decided to try to give a new luster to the "Sestieri."

The first edition of the winter palio

On February 23, 1936, he organized the first edition of "Ra Corsa dei Seštiére," a cross-country skiing race where athletes from the different districts challenged each other. At the end of the race, there was a parade of folkloristic wagons. Over time, the winter palio was supplemented by many other activities, such as the summer palio, the soccer tournament, the food and beverage service at the Ski World Cup, and the forest cleanup.

The summer running palio in 1966

There were a lot of activities that had to be organized, in addition to the requirement of volunteers to realize them. In order to coordinate the six different "Sestieri," they joined the "Sestieri d'Ampezzo."

Historic photo awards ceremony Campanile Swimming tournament

It is a gathering that includes the six presidents of each "Sestiere," plus a seventh president of the "Sestieri," whose main function is the organization of all the common activities, as well as acting as an institutional figure and spokesperson for the other associations and the municipal administration. By statute, the purpose of the "Sestieri d'Ampezzo" is:

In addition to all this, the Association of the "Sestieri d'Ampezzo" creates an important link between the people of Cortina and their own town, as well as being essential for the integration of the people who move to live here into community life, thanks to the many volunteer activities they help organize.

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Sports associations

As already mentioned previously, one of the original purposes of the "Sestieri" was to organize local sports competitions, which were played by athletes who had to be actually residents of the "Sestiere" they represented.

Disputes and discussions on this subject are well rooted in the memory of the village, with countless residency verifications, controversies, and complaints. Emblematic is the story of a house built on the border, created from a small buried stream. After years of discussion, it's still half in one "Sestiere" and half in another.

Summer Palio of the Sestieri d'Ampezzo

Over the years, this competitiveness led to the formation of tight-knit groups, which took on more and more identity. In order to earn something and recruit as many athletes and volunteers as possible, each "Sestiere" invented increasingly ingenious systems. The most successful were the country festivals.

Cadin's old country festival

These were meeting places where volunteers cooked and sold local foods, drinks, and beers. This increased, even more, the bonding of those groups of people who were working, drinking, and having fun together. In this way, each "Sestiere" was able to make a small cash fund with which they could pay for sports training for the kids who could be trained without expense from their families.

Zuel's country festival nowadays

Younglings would be new participants in sports competitions, bonding with their peers, and, growing up, would volunteer for country festivals. Over the years, these activities became more and more structured, until the modern country festivals, which we extensively describe in the article below:

Country festivals
The "Feste Campestri" The Country festivals of Cortina: a loved summer tradition where eat and have fun together. Reading time: 9 min
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The sport events

Below, we'll see how the main sporting events and other ancillary competitive activities organized by the "Sestieri d'Ampezzo" take place.

Summer Palio of Cortina d'Ampezzo, stump cutting
Winter cross-country skiing competition in Fiames

If you want to be updated on the activities of the "Sestieri," we recommend you follow the Facebook page of the "Sestieri" or the Instagram page of the "Sestieri."

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Geographical "Sestieri"

The boundary between the different "Sestieri" is usually demarcated by waterways. Over the years, some of them have been moved underground for urban reasons. Below you can see a beautiful map of the original boundaries of the different "Sestieri."

Mappa dei Sestieri d'Ampezzo

On the map above, you can clearly see the different areas in which the town was divided. Let's see what the various colors represent:

Thanks to

The writing of this page was also possible thanks to the books "Storia di Cortina d'Ampezzo" by Mario Ferruccio Belli and the book "Sestieri d'Ampezzo rievocano..." of Alfredo Spampani and Dino Colli d'Antogna, as well as the help of the "Sestieri d'Ampezzo" which provide part of the photographs on this page.

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