Hike in Cortina: To The Rifugio Dibona From Fedaròla

A hike from Fedaròla, on the Falzarego Pass, to the Rifugio Angelo Dibona. A rather simple walk, that will take you about two hours, which will take you to this amazing mountain lodge at the foot of Mount Tofane.


Starting Point: Fedaròla
Trail Length: 4 km (2.5 mi) each way
Height Gain: 400 m (1,312 ft)
Duration: About 1 hour each way


Map of the hike


This hike to the "Rifugio Angelo Dibona" from the car park of "Fedaròla;" on the Falzarego Pass, is an easy walk suitable for everyone, but it needs a little training because of a height gain of 400 meters, or 1,312 feet.

The Dibona Mountain Lodge

You can find this hike to the "Rifugio Dibona" on the Tabacco Map 003 - "Cortina d'Ampezzo Dolomiti Ampezzane," along Path 403. Alternatively, you can see our route on Google Maps by clicking here.

Tabacco 1:25.000 Map 003

This hike is loved by Cortina residents, as it is not too strenuous but is tiring enough to justify a rewarding lunch. The mountain lodge is very welcoming and has a beautiful terrace.

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Path of the Hike

Our hike to "Rifugio Dibona" starts in the parking lot that stands on the intersection between the Falzarego Pass and the deviation towards "Pomedes." The exact point can be easily identified by a wooden structure that prevents access to campers, indicating Pomedes-Tofana and by the signboard of the "Regole d'Ampezzo," on which you can find interesting information on this location. If you are unsure of how to reach it, we will describe it in depth down on the page in the chapter "How to Get There."

The starting point of the hike to the Dibona Refuge

The first part of the walk is on an asphalted road open to traffic; for this reason, we advise you to stay on the edge of the road, paying attention to any vehicles.

Sign indicating the direction of Rifugio Dibona

After more or less ten minutes, you will reach the alpine pasture named "Fedaròla." These buildings, in the past, were used as stables for the summer grazing of sheep. The name derives from "féda," which means sheep in the local dialect.

Le malghe di Fedaròla

From here, the walk goes on for about thirty minutes on an asphalt road, always uphill with more or less steep climbs; nothing too tiring anyway.

The uphill asphalt road

At some points, you will cross the Mount Tofane ski slopes. This is the reason why you will see some weird metal structures; they are part of the artificial snow systems that are used in the less snowy winters.

Hairpin bend on the road to the Dibona

Along the road, you will also find a fountain with drinking water. It is clean water that rises directly from the source under the mountain group of the Tofane.

Fontana con acqua potabile sulla strada

The asphalt trait of the road ends in this car park, with the intersection to the "Rifugio Duca d'Aosta." You have to continue straight, along the wider gravel road that is clearly marked. You're now about two-thirds of the way there.

The gravel road towards the refuge

The second part of the hike continues along the gravel road and will get you to the mountain lodge in about thirty minutes. This trait is also open to vehicle transit, although it is less busy. Try to stay on the side of the road, always paying a little attention.

Path 403 30 minutes

Throughout the climb, you will have an amazing view of the mountains of the area, but the protagonist of this hike will certainly be Mount "Tofana di Rozes," which will stand out in front of you for the entire duration of the hike.

Panorama of the Tofana de Rozes

Once we arrived at "Rifugio Dibona," we decided to eat an encore of pasta, accompanied by a refreshing pint of beer. As mentioned above, this hike is very popular among the inhabitants of Cortina, as the mountain lodge has been managed by the same family for many years and the food is very good.

The Dibona Refuge

With full bellies, we relaxed on the terrace of the mountain lodge, had a chat with the manager, and then returned to the car along the same road taken for the climb, which took approximately forty minutes.

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The "Rifugio Dibona" is named after Angelo Dibona, considered one of the best climbers of the twentieth century. In addition to this mountain lodge, in 2012, the name of the main square of Cortina was changed to Dibona Square. Near the square is also a monument in his name, created by the sculptor Murer in 1976. We talked about Dibona Square and other things that can be seen in the town center on the page beneath:

What to see in Corso Italia in Cortina
What to see in Corso Italia All the buildings and points of interest in the pedestrian area of Cortina d'Ampezzo. Reading time: 17 min.

Many hikes start from the area of "Rifugio Dibona," such as the climb to "Punta Anna" or the famous loop of the "Tofana di Rozes." Some of these are among the best-known hikes in the Dolomites and offer breathtaking views of Cortina and its peaks. These are hikes for expert hikers; in some cases, even via ferratas. We therefore recommend trying them only if you're accompanied by a guide or if you have training and experience.

This area is also famous for the discovery of a fossil of great historical interest. "Ampezzoa triassica," is the oldest fossilized amber in the world. These findings are possible thanks to the characteristic formation of the Dolomites, which present a stratification of sediments that is clearly visible and easily reachable. If you want more information on the geological characteristics of our mountains, we invite you to read the page we wrote on the topic:

Geological history of the Dolomites
Geology of the Dolomites The history of the Dolomites and the Dolomite, the rock of which they are composed. Reading time: 9 min.
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How to Get There

The parking lot on the Falzarego Pass from where our hike starts is a free but small gravel parking lot. In peak season, you should arrive early in the morning to increase your chances of finding a free place.

If the car park is full, you can continue up the road, trying to park on one of the lay-bys along the road. Be careful not to obstruct traffic by occupying the roadway. Alternatively, you can continue up the road to the locality of "Cianzopè," where you will find a large gravel parking lot. From the center of Cortina, it takes about twenty minutes by car.

Falzarego 20 minutes

Another option is to take the bus to Falzarego Pass, to be precise, the bus n°30-31, and get off at the stop called, in dialect, "Cason dei Caai." This is the official name of the stop, but it's very specific; it may be a better idea to ask about the stop for the "Rifugio Dibona," which is much more familiar.

It is a seasonal bus that should be active from mid-June to mid-September. For more information and to purchase tickets, you should contact the ticket office at the bus station. It may be closed during lunch hours.

Bus n°30-31 25 minutes

Finally, you could consider taking a taxi. From Cortina to the car park to the "Rifugio Dibona" on the Falzarego Pass, the cost should be, approximately, 30 euros. Consider that prices could vary greatly, both for the type of vehicle and the number of people, so you should ask for a quote. Taxis are found both in Roma Square and at the bus station, or you can visit the official taxi website.

Taxi 20 minutes

For any doubts you may have, you can consult the Tourist Information Office in the center of Cortina.

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Useful information

The hike to "Rifugio Dibona" can be done at any time of the year, even in winter, as the snow on the road is regularly packed. In cases of snow, it is highly recommended to have snow crampons to attach to your shoes to avoid slipping on the ice.

In January 2023, the management decided to suspend the snowmobile service, allowing hikers to reach the mountain lodge without being disturbed by the passage of snowmobiles. If you want to try this beautiful experience, we recommend you read our page where we talk about winter hikes:

Winter hikes in Cortina
Winter hikes in Cortina The most beautiful winter hikes in Cortina, easy walks, for everyone, on packed snow. Reading time: 12 min.

If you decide to eat in the "Rifugio Dibona," the structure could be closed, approximately, from mid-April to the end of May and from mid-October to mid-December. If you don't want to have unpleasant surprises during the low season, you should check the actual opening on their website or by telephone.

Even if this is not a difficult walk, when you go hiking, you should always use comfortable shoes and bring a backpack with some water, a snack, and a rain jacket. If you are not used to mountain hikes, before venturing, we recommend you read the page below:

Walking in the mountains safely
Safety tips for hikers Tips for safely going hiking in the mountains and prepare your backpack with all you need. Reading time: 8 min.

We want to emphasize that, in the territory of the Dolomites, there are rules to be followed. The main ones are:

Always be responsible, and when in doubt, stop. CiaoCortina cannot be held responsible for any damage to things or people, variations, wrong paths, errors, or inconveniences that may occur along the route. For more information, click here.Internal link

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We hope you liked this page on the hike to "Rifugio Dibona." Before saying goodbye, we would like to mention that you can find other amazing hikes in Cortina and its surroundings by clicking here.Internal link

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