Let's discover together all the free parking spots and free parking lots in Cortina. With the information you'll find on this page, parking your car in Cortina will no longer be a mystery!

Straight to the Point
This article is quite discursive. If you only need to quickly find a free parking spot, we recommend clicking the link below to go directly to the dedicated section:

If, on the other hand, you are willing to pay to park your car, below you can go directly to the chapter about paid parking:

To make it easier for you to find the perfect parking, we have created a map of all the parking spots in Cortina. We recommend consulting it while reading the article, to get a better overview of the location, and size, of all available parking spots in Cortina.

We obviously hope you'll read the entire article, as we are sure that it will help you better understand the parking situation in the town.
Important Info
Unfortunately, due to construction sites for the 2026 Olympics, many car parks in Cortina are no longer accessible. Even though we can't offer a professional service, we'll keep the page as updated as we can. At the moment the following car parks are closed for construction:
- Bus station, "Piazzale Marconi."
- Bus station, "Parcheggio Faloria."
- "Largo delle Poste."
- Half of the Former Market Square.
New temporary parking areas have been created to reduce the inconveniences caused by the lack of parking spaces for guests and residents:
- "Pian Serieto," next to the actual Ice Stadium parking area.
- "Via dello Stadio," close to the "Hotel Barisetti."
- "Via dello Stadio," in front of "Villa Marina."
- The "Crignes" bridge has been replaced and is available for parking.

To try to further reduce inconveniences, a large and free parking space has been created in the locality of "Acquabona," on the southern border of Cortina. From here, a free shuttle service departs to reach the town center. For more information, even though it is in Italian, you may read the official press release from the Municipality of Cortina.
Free Parking
Let's see all the free parking spaces in the central area of Cortina. By clicking the name, you'll be redirected to the position on Google Maps. Let's start, for no particular reason, from the Church of the "Difesa," a medium size car park with a ninety minutes parking disc. It's definitely the best for reaching the supermarkets in the town center.
The parking disc is used to indicate the time of arrival. If you don't have one, you can simply write the time you arrived on a piece of paper and place it under the windshield, making it easily readable by the traffic officers to avoid getting a ticket.

The road that connects the ring road to the parking lot of the Church of the "Difesa" is called "Via Difesa," and it also has some free parking spaces with a sixty-minute parking disc. Since it's a one-way street, you'll have to go down from the ring road, where it crosses "Varentin" street.
To the left of the intersection, there is also parking on "Via Jacheto," but it's very small with only two spaces, which are unlikely to be available.
If you've not been lucky, continue on the same road and turn right. After two hundred meters you'll reach the parking lot of "Via del Parco," which is not only free but also rather large.

If you come from the north of the town, we recommend first try the parking at the Ice Stadium. Most of its area has a two hours minute parking disc. The parking lot has recently been expanded with two temporary gravel spaces, nearly doubling its capacity.
If you are coming down from the ski slopes of "Socrepes," "Cinque Torri," or Mount Tofana, we used to advise heading towards "Lungo Boite." However, nowadays, you should head again towards the Ice Stadium, as most of the "Lungo Boite" parking area is unavailable.
You have to cross "Corona" Bridge and turn left to reach "Via dello Stadio" in front of "Villa Marina," where a rather large temporary parking area has been created on the meadows beside the road. If it's full, you can proceed a few meters further to reach all the Ice Stadium parking spaces.

As briefly mentined before, the parking lot of "Lungo Boite," is unavailable, but there are a few more parking spaces available in the same area. About ten have been created on the surface of the former "Crignes" Bridge, which has recently been closed and replaced with a new one built a few meters further. Additional parking spaces are available in the area known as "La Clinica," although it also has been reduced to make space for some construction machinery.
When schools are closed you could also park in the parking of the elementary school, but be really careful though because, if the schools are opened, there is a boom barrier that gets closed at night, with the risk of getting stuck inside the parking lot and getting a ticket. To be sure, the best thing to do is to avoid leaving the car in the night, using it only as a temporary parking space for the afternoon.

Now that the bus station has been completely closed for construction, the parking lots behind it are more difficult to reach, which may work to your advantage. The first one is less known; it is located on a meadow behind the bus station. Since it is a field that tends to become muddy, try to avoid it if the weather has not been dry.
The second parking lot is in front of the Cable Car "Funivia Faloria." During the winter, it may be reserved for the facility, but it's worth a try, expecially because you will have to pass in front of it to rejoin the ring road if you have tried to park on the meadow.

To conclude this chapter, we will list, in no particular order, a few small parking lots with just a handful of spaces each. It's up to you whether to park in a more creative way, risking a fine, but also considering that other drivers often take some liberties.
... a few small parking lots with just a handful of spaces each...
In front of the bar of the Station of Cortina, there are four or five official spots, but many decide to park the car along the construction barriers that run alongside the state road. In this case, pay attention to avoid blocking the access door.
In front of the pastry shop "Panificio Alverà" there is the parking lot "Piazza Pittori F.lli Ghedina," a small parking lot with a fifteen-minute parking disc. The same goes for the small parking are in "Piazzetta San Francesco" which has two places for a fifteen-minute stop and two more reserved as unloading bays.
In "Via del Castello," in front of the "Bar del Nano," there are two places with a thirty-minute parking disc and two more reserved as unloading bays.
Finally, there are four free parking spots in "Via delle Guide," before the Fire Station. Be careful not to go further into the other two parking areas, which are reserved for the barracks, where there is an absolute prohibition on parking.
Paying Parking Lots
This chapter has been significantly shortened, as most of the paid parking lots are actually closed for construction or have been made private. We are closely monitoring the situation. We will keep you updated on developments once the construction is completed and we have a clearer picture.
The first parking lot worth mentioning is the one in parking in "Via dei Campi." It is located near the high schools, and when they are closed, their square is used to increase the parking size. The price is, approximately, one euro per hour. Although it is not very central, it is the largest one available now and is fairly close to the bell tower and the town center. Additionally, the two main supermarkets in the center, "Cooperativa" and Conad City, are within a five-minute walk. Here you can also find two Enel X Way electric vehicle charging stations.

The most strategic parking area, which has been significately reduced in size, is the former market square. It is a medium-sized, very central parking area, close to both the church and "Corso Italia," the pedestrial area of the center. The hourly price is approximately two euros per hour, and there are also two Enel X Way electric vehicle charging stations.
If you are coming into the town from the south, from the direction of "Zuel" and "San Vito di Cadore," there is a parking lot parallel to the street "Via Roma" which is very strategic. Since you'll probably have to drive past it anyway, if you find a spot, take it. "Via Roma" is the street that, from the roundabout at the beginning of Cortina, leads to the entrance of "Corso Italia." It costs approximately one euro per hour. It's not very common to find a free place, but early in the morning it's more likely.
If you are looking for a public indoor parking, perhaps with the possibility of leaving the vehicle parked for several days, you should head to the "Pontechiesa" multi-storey car park. Its rate is approximately two euro per hour, with discounts for long stays. It's also possible to purchase subscriptions for both the uncovered floor and the underground. For any additional information, you can refer to the official website of the parking lot "Pontechiesa."
There are also two private car parks, created for those looking to purchase a parking space or rent it for extended durations.
First, there is the Farsetti multi-storey car park, a covered parking lot, very central because of its vicinity to the Parish Church, accessible from "Via del Parco."

The second is the Dolomiti parking lot, an open forecourt located near the Bellevue hotel, below the Antonio Cantore park.
Since these are private structures, designed for those who need their own parking and long-term parking, we are unable to provide more information. We recommend that you contact the facility if you are interested.
A curiosity: the Farsetti Parking Lot received the award as the best reinforced concrete work for the year 2021 from the A.I.C.A.P., the Italian Association of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete.
Some Recommendations
Finding a parking space in Cortina d'Ampezzo at certain times of the year is almost a mission impossible. During peak season and peak hours, the enormous influx of tourists quickly fills almost all the available parking spaces, both in the village and in the mountain passes, causing traffic and frustration.
As mentioned in the opening, the problem of the lack of parking places in Cortina has always existed. This is the reason why we have decided to write this article: we want to give you all the necessary knowledge about the free, the paid, and the less known parking lots, in order to increase your chances of finding a free space to park your car in Cortina.

First of all, let's start from the premise that finding parking in the central area during the aperitif hour, maybe at Christmas time, maybe with snow, is almost impossible. The time you will waste looking for a parking space, while uselessly circling the clogged ring road, could be better spent with a nice walk.
... when possible, we always suggest that you prefer a walk...
Cortina is a fairly small town, and is relatively livable even without using a car. When possible, we suggest you walk.
If you absolutely have to move your car, for example, if you have to go buy something heavy, or you have mobility problems, always try to find a parking space close to home, which allows you to return home without having to take another round of the ring road.

The problem is that Cortina is surrounded by a one-way loop road that goes around the center of the town. When traffic is high, if you park in the wrong place, you risk having to unnecessarily drive an entire loop around Cortina in the middle of traffic at walking pace.
... if it's snowing, avoid secondary roads...
There are side streets that can help in some cases, but we can't consider all the possibilities in this article. In case of heavy congestion, if you don't know the roads well, Google Maps can do wonders by directing you to those lesser-known detours. Be careful though: if it's snowing or has just snowed, really avoid secondary roads, if possible.
... try to avoid peak hours...
As for the best times to move your car in the peak season, it's absolutely inadvisable to take the car in moments such as late morning, or when the ski slopes close in winter, or in the cocktail hour in summer.
In these cases the best thing to do is to play smart, leaving early in the morning, before everyone else, trying to get back a little earlier, or stopping for a drink, rather than go back in town when everyone else is doing the same. Try to do the opposite of the mass, or anticipate it.

A good alternative to the use of the car is also the city bus, click here for the website, unfortunately only in Italian. It is an effective and well-managed service that has recently been improved. During the peak of high season, it may be subject to minor, or rarely, major delays due to traffic during peak hours.
Some Thoughts
There are a couple more things to say before concluding, and they should be read in a slightly polemical tone. We really appreciate the effort to create temporary parking spaces to alleviate the problem. However, the shortage of parking continues to be one of the main causes of stress and traffic during the peak season, and it deserves even more attention.
It is not uncommon for Cortina's parking lots to be occupied by various activity, such as sporting events or construction sites, when the public parking lots are used for organizational reasons.

Motorhomes are now an almost constant presence. They hide behind the excuse that they also have the right to park, but in reality they generally occupy far more than a single parking space each for long periods. This selfish behavior creates various inconveniences and, in some cases, also leads to degradation.
We don't want to become too polemical, so we stop here and change the subject. If, after parking your car, you want to know more about Cortina d'Ampezzo and its central area, you may read our dedicated page:

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